College Workout 4

Chest Fly with Tubing

1) Secure door strap waist height.
2) Stand with feet shoulder width apart, knees slightly bent, facing away from the attachment point. You may put one foot in front of the other (staggered stance) for increased stability.
3) Start position: Grasp each handle and position hands wider than shoulder width with palms facing each other (neutral grip). Elbows should be slightly bent and behind the body.
4) Begin by moving arms in an arcing motion to join hands at chest level.
5) Return to start position.

Standing Chest Press with Band

1. Start by securing the band at chest level behind you and standing with your feet together. To have a more stable stance you can bring one foot in front of the other in a staggered stance(lunge stance).
2. Hold the band with your hands at chest level and your elbows back.
3. Press the bands out away from your body until your arms are extended.
4. Return to the starting position and repeat for the recommended repetitions.

Manual resisted neck extensions

1. Lie face down on a bench with your head off the edge.
2. Place a towel over the back of your head and hold the ends with your hands.
3. Pull slightly on the towel to place some resistance on your head while extending your head up.
4. Only place enough resistance to make it challenging but do not heavily strain to complete the movement

Lunge with ankle tubing and med ball

1) Start position: Stand with feet hip width apart. Attach an ankle strap to both ankles. Hold a medicine ball in your hands.
2) Step backward 2-3 feet and lower body forming a 90° bend at the front hip and knee. DO NOT allow front knee to extend past the big toe.
3) Pushing off front foot, return to start position and raise the lunging leg into the air. Continue with same leg or alternate as prescribed.
4) Watch for proper knee alignment - do not let front knee extend past big toe or deviate laterally or medially. Back knee should not come in contact with floor.

Double leg kick with fitband

1. Lie face down on your stomach and wrap the band around the tops of your feet. Grab the handles with your hands.
2. Start with your legs bent and your hands above your head.
3. Kick your feet so that your legs are extended and the band will provide resistance for your legs. Your arms will slowly come down to your sides. Try to resist the bands to provide more resistance.
4. Return to the starting position and repeat.

Leg ext/Tricep Ext with band

1. Start by placing the band underneath your foot and holding it with one hand over your head.
2. With your knee bent and elbow bent simultaneously straighten the limbs until both are in full extension.
3. Return to the starting position and repeat with the other leg.


1) Stand facing the bands.
2) Start position: Position arms perpendicular to body like the letter “T” with thumbs pointing up and elbows straight.
3) Pull arms back by squeezing shoulder blades together.
4) Return to start position.
5) Remember to keep head in neutral position.

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