Functional training Macrocycle 2
- Weeks 17-21 of Macrocycle 2 for Functional training.
- This is a twice a week resistance program.
- Do 5-10 minutes of a dynamic warm-up.
- Rest 60 seconds between sets.
Leg kick on ball
1. Start by lying on top of the ball with your stomach and toes on the ground with your knees extended. Your arms should be at your side.
2. Reach forward with your arms so that your hands are on the ground. While doing this curl your legs up so that your knees are at a 90 degree angle.
3. Return to the starting position and repeat.
Slide board hamstring curls
1. Start by putting something on your shoes or place a towel on the slide board.
2. Place your heels on the slide board and lie on your back.
3. Proceed to press into the slide board and pull your feet towards your hips while raise your hips off the ground.
3. Return to the starting position and repeat for the desired repetitions.
Towel Chin-ups
1. Place a towel around a bar so that the ends are hanging down.
2. Grab each end of the towel with your hands and proceed to perform a pull-up.
3. Continue for the prescribed repetitions.
Use a weighted vest on heavier days(Mondays).
Forward Lunge with resistance
1. Start by holding dumbells in each hand as well as the handles of a band.
2. The band should be long enough to be draped in front of your shins.
3. Lunge across your body at a 45 degree angle so that while you are lunging your shin is getting resistance from the band.
4. Return to the starting position and repeat with your other leg.
Arm DB Chest Press on ball
1. Start by lying on your back on the ball. Holding a dumbell in one hand with your elbow out with both feet on the floor.
2. Contract your abdominals to maintain stability and once you are stabilized press the dumbell up above your chest.
3. Continue for the required number of repetitions and then repeat with opposite arm.
Lying Barbell Extension
1) Sit in upright position on a flat bench. Grasp bar with shoulder or medium width with overhand grip and rest it on thighs.
2) Start position: Lie onto back and bring the barbell to your chest. Press bar up so that bar is directly over upper chest.
3) Lower bar towards forehead by bending elbows to 90°. Elbows should remain pointing forward.
4) Return to start position.
5) Remember to keep back and head straight in a neutral position - hyperextension or flexion may cause injury. Keep shoulder stabilized throughout movement.
Preacher Curls
1) Adjust seat or arm support height so that, while seated, top of arm support pad is at chest level.
2) Position arms shoulder width apart with elbows and upper arm supported on pad.
3) Start position: Grasp bar with underhand grip (palms facing up) with elbows slightly bent. Choose a narrow or wide grip if applicable.
4) Flex at elbows and curl handle up until forearms are perpendicular to floor. Contract biceps at top of movement.
5) Return to start position.
6) Remember to keep shoulders stabilized - do not shrug shoulders forward on down (eccentric) phase of movement. Do not fully extend elbows at bottom of movement.
Supine Calf Raise
1. Lie on your back with the ball under your upper back.
2. Push off your toes so that your heels and legs rise towards the ceiling.
3. Return to the starting position and repeat for the prescribed repetitions.
Partner Med Ball Standing Twist
Starting Position: Have two people stand back to back with one person holding a medicine ball. One individual twists to the right side while the other individual twists to their left side.
Exchange the medicine ball and return to the starting position.
Repeat to the other side.
Double arm DB pullover
1. Lie on your back on the ball and place the ball under your upper back.
2. Hold 1 dumbell with 2 hands around the the inside
of the dumbell or onto the handle.
3. Keeping your elbows straight let the dumbell descend behind your head controlling it with your shoulders and back muscles.
4. Once your arms reach parallel with your body then bring the dumbell back up to the starting position using just your shoulder and back muscles.
5. Repeat for the prescribed repetitions.