Plyometric Workout 16

  • Complete in straight sets with 1min rest in-between sets.

Two Foot Zig Zap Hops

1. Stand to the left of the ladder approximately 1-2 feet away.
2. Forcefully push off both feet and land the on the other side of the ladder.
3. Repeat and land feet back on the other side, continue repeating and so on down the ladder.
4. Do not “double hop” upon each landing.

Side Throws

1. Stand with feet hip-width apart; place left foot approximately one foot in front of right foot.
2. Hold medicine ball with both hands and arms only slightly bent.
3. Swing ball over to the right hip and forcefully underhand toss ball forward to a partner or wall. Keep the stomach drawn in to maximize proper usage of muscle.
4. Catch ball on the bounce from your partner or wall and repeat according to prescribed repetitions.

Bounce, Bounce Jump onto Box

Stand behind box and place one foot on top of box, heel close to the closest edge.
Bounce up and down twice and then push off the box and explode vertically to bring the other foot onto the box.
Step back down with your feet reversed.
Repeat with other leg and continue according to prescribed number of repetitions.

Bounding with Rings

1. Jog into the start of the drill for forward momentum.
2. After a few feet, forcefully push off with the left foot and bring the right leg forward. At same time swing left arm forward and land into the first ring, which is 3-4 feet out and to the left with the right foot.
3. Continue and repeat with other leg and arm into the second ring, which is now 3-4 feet up and to the right.
4. This exercise is an exaggerated running motion focusing on foot push-off and air time.

Kneel to Pushup

Start Position: Your body will be in an upright position sitting on your knees.
Hold medicine ball at chest level. Keeping your torso erect fall forward and chest press the medicine ball to a partner or a wall.
Upon releasing the ball drop your hands to the floor and immediately complete a push-up.
Advanced athletes: To make this more challenging have a partner throw the ball back to you. You will have to explode up with the push-up so that you are back in the seated upright position on your knees. Your partner will throw the ball back to you and then repeat the exercise until the desired repetitions are met.

Jump and Land on BOSU

Start by placing BOSU ball with the flat part facing the ceiling.
In a standing position with a parallel stance jump up onto the BOSU ball and stabilize yourself with stepping off the BOSU ball.
Return to the starting position.

Squat Jump

1) Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, trunk flexed forward slightly with back straight in a neutral position.
2) Arms should be in the “ready” position with elbows flexed at approximately 90°.
3) Lower body where thighs are parallel to ground.
4) Explode vertically and drive arms up.
5) Land on both feet and repeat.
6) Prior to takeoff extend the ankles to their maximum range (full plantar flexion) to ensure proper mechanics.

Explosive Pushup

1. Start by getting into a push-up position.
2. Lower yourself to the ground and then explosively push up so that your hands leave the ground.
3. Catch your fall with your hands and immediately lower yourself into a pushup again and repeat.
4. Repeat for the recommended repetitions.