Hard Core Abdominal Workout

Do about 12-15 reps for 2 sets. Keep a steady pace, don't burn through the reps.

Dumbbell Squat and Rotational Swings

1. Start position: Holding a dumbell in each hand start in squatted position with dumbells between legs.
2. Start movement by standing up and keeping arms straight rotate shoulders and trunk towards the left.
3. Return to the starting position and repeat to the other side.
4. Repeat for the prescribed number of repetitions.

Alternating Toe Touch

1. Start position: Lie back onto floor or bench with feet up into the air. Head should be in a neutral position with a space between chin and chest.
2. Leading with the chin and chest towards the ceiling, contract the abdominal and raise shoulders off floor or bench. Extend one arm and reach for the opposite foot. Return to start position and repeat with other hand.
Remember to keep head and back in a neutral position. Hyperextension or flexion may cause injury. To increase resistance, hold medicine ball in hands. To decrease resistance, position hand closer towards body

Ankle Wiggles

1) Start position: Lie back onto floor or bench with knees bent and hands at your side. Head should be in a neutral position with a space between chin and chest.
2) Leading with the chin and chest towards the ceiling, contract the abdominal and raise shoulders off floor or bench. Reach for you ankle with one hand and repeat with the other side.
3) Return to start position.
4) Remember to keep head and back in a neutral position. Hyperextension or flexion of either may cause injury.

Double Crunch

1. Lie back onto floor or bench with knees bent and hands behind head. Keep elbows back and out of sight. Head should be in a neutral position with a space between chin and chest.
2. Start position: Hands behind head and knees bent at 90 degrees.
3. Leading with the chin and chest towards the ceiling, contract the abdominals and raise shoulders off floor or bench. During the crunch, also bring knees towards chest.
4. Return to start position.
5. Remember to keep head and back in a neutral position. Hyperextension or flexion of either may cause injury.


1) Start position: Lie back onto floor or bench with knees bent and hands extended towards ceiling. Head should be in a neutral position with a space between chin and chest.
2) Leading with the chin and chest towards the ceiling, contract the abdominal and raise shoulders off floor or bench. Also raise legs up towards ceiling and attempt to touch your hands to your feet.
3) Return to start position.

Straight Leg Obliques

Starting Position: Lie on your back and raise your legs straight into the air.
Rotate your legs keeping them straight to the side and the then return to the starting position. Repeat to the other side.

Flutter Kicks

1) Lie back onto floor or bench with both knees bent and feet flat. Place hands at sides.
2) Contract abdominal muscles continuously to stabilize trunk (or tuck stomach in by drawing naval in towards spine). Lower back should be in a neutral position.
3) Start position: Straighten both legs so that they are perpendicular to floor.
4) Slowly lower one leg to approximately 45-90°.
5) Return to start position and repeat with other leg.

Scissor Kicks

1. Lie back onto floor or bench with both knees bent and feet flat. Place hands at sides.
2. Contract abdominal muscles continuously to stabilize trunk (or tuck stomach in by drawing naval in towards spine). Lower back should be in a neutral position.
3. Start position: Straighten both legs so that they are perpendicular to floor.
4. Slowly bring legs out away from each other and then return to side by side.
5. Return to start position and repeat.

Alternating Superman

1) Lie face down on floor with arms extended overhead. You may place a rolled towel under forehead to clear face from floor.
2) Raise right arm and left leg 4-8 inches off floor.
3) Lower and raise alternate opposite arm and leg.
Remember to keep head and back in a neutral position. Shoulders and hips should remain squared throughout movement.

Pushup Superman Alternating Arms

Starting Position: Start the movement in a plank position. Holding that position raise your right arm and left leg off of the ground.
Return to the starting position and repeat with the other arm and leg. Hold each lift for 1-2 seconds.

Straight Arm Hold

Starting Position: Lie on your side with your right hand on the ground.
Lift yourself up to form a plank with your right arm straight and your left arm on your side.
Hold this position for the recommended number of reps.
Repeat with the other side.